3 Best Ways to get from Puno to Cusco, Peru
You can get from Puno to Cusco by bus, private transfer, or train. The cheapest option to travel from Puno to Cusco is by bus, which costs only USD 12.…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaJan 18 No comments6 Best Ways to get from Machu Picchu to Cusco, Peru
You can get from Machu Picchu to Cusco by Voyager Train, 360° Bimodal Train, Expedition Train, Vistadome Train, First Class Train, or a Luxury Train! The cheapest option to travel…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaJan 4 No comments4 Best Ways to get from Cusco to Arequipa, Peru
You can get from Cusco to Arequipa by bus, private transfer, flight, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Cusco to Arequipa is by bus, which costs only…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaDec 30 No comments3 Best Ways to get from Ica to Arequipa, Peru
You can get from Ica to Arequipa by bus, private transfer, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Ica to Arequipa is by bus, which costs only USD…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaDec 28 No comments4 Best Ways to get from Lima to Paracas, Peru
You can get from Lima to Paracas by bus, private transfer, on a guided tour, or by a rental car! The cheapest option to travel from Lima to Paracas is…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaOct 12 No comments3 Best Ways to get from Cusco to Ica, Peru
You can get from Cusco to Ica by bus, private transfer, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Cusco to Ica is by bus, which costs only USD…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaOct 11 No comments5 Best Ways to get from Cusco to Lima, Peru
You can get from Cusco to Lima by bus, private transfer, flight, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Cusco to Lima is by bus, which costs only…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaOct 10 No comments2 Best Ways to get from Cusco to Machu Picchu, Peru
You can get from Cusco to Machu Picchu by train and with an organized guided tour! The cheapest option to travel from Cusco to Machu Picchu is by Voyager Bimodal…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaOct 5 No comments4 Best Ways to get from Chiclayo to Lima, Peru
You can get from Chiclayo to Lima by bus, private transfer, flight, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Chiclayo to Lima is by bus, which costs only…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaOct 4 No comments4 Best Ways to get from Machu Picchu to Ollantaytambo, Peru
You can get from Machu Picchu to Ollantaytambo by Voyager Train, Panoramic Train, Expedition Train or a First Class Train! The cheapest option to travel from Machu Picchu to Ollantaytambo…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaOct 3 No comments3 Best Ways to get from Huaraz to Lima, Peru
You can get from Huaraz to Lima by bus, private transfer, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Huaraz to Lima is by bus, which costs only USD…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaSep 30 No comments3 Best Ways to get from Ica to Lima, Peru
You can get from Ica to Lima by bus, private transfer, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Ica to Lima is by bus, which costs only USD…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaSep 29 No comments4 Best Ways to get from Ica to Nazca, Peru
You can get from Ica to Nazca by bus, private transfer, rental car, or taxi. The cheapest option to travel from Ica to Nazca is by bus, which costs only…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaSep 28 No comments3 Best Ways to get from Ica to Paracas, Peru
You can get from Ica to Paracas by bus, private transfer, or rental car. The cheapest option to travel from Ica to Paracas is by bus, which costs only USD…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaSep 27 No comments3 Best Ways to get from La Paz to Puno, Peru
You can get from La Paz to Puno by bus, private transfer, or transfer + tour. The cheapest option to travel from La Paz to Puno is by bus, which…
AnaMarija MishachkovskaSep 26 No comments