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Cómo viajar de San José a Santa Teresa

You can get from San Jose to Santa Teresa by boat + shared shuttle, private transfer, rental car, or flight!

The cheapest option to travel from San Jose to Santa Teresa is by shared shuttle + ferry, which costs USD 75. The journey takes about 5 hours.

The most popular option is also the shared shuttle + ferry, offering convenience at a very affordable price.

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The fastest way to travel to Santa Teresa from San Jose is by flight, which takes about 1 hour.

Exploring the rich coasts and lush jungles of Costa Rica has given me insights that I’m eager to share with fellow wanderers.

In this guide, I’m breaking down everything you need to know to navigate from San Jose to Santa Teresa seamlessly.

Strap in as we dive into the heart of this tropical paradise, ensuring your Costa Rican adventure is nothing short of amazing!

Check out our guide on traveling from San Jose to Santa Teresa. Here, you can find more information about Costa Rica transportation.

Opciones de transporte de San José a Santa Teresa

La siguiente tabla resume todas las opciones de transporte de San José a Santa Teresa:

Shuttle + Boat from San Jose to Santa Teresa5 hrs$75 to 107
San Jose to Santa Teresa Private Transfer~5.5 hrs$330 to 405
Vuelo de San José a Santa Teresa~1 hr$75+
Coche de alquiler~5.5 hrs

¿A qué distancia está Santa Teresa de San José?

La distancia entre San José y Santa Teresa es de 114,3 millas o 184 kilómetros.

Cómo llegar a Santa Teresa desde San José

1. Shared Van Shuttle from San Jose to Santa Teresa

Duración del viaje: 5 horas

Al trazar tu viaje desde San José al sereno paraíso de Santa Teresa, elegir el Transporte Compartido como opción terrestre o acoplarlo a un paseo en barco añade un elemento de comodidad y camaradería a tu viaje.

Opting for the Shared Shuttle as a land-only choice is ideal for those prioritizing comfort and a more direct route.

Companies such as Interbus offer this service, where you share a cozy, air-conditioned van with fellow travelers for an affordable price of only USD 75! 

The shuttle typically picks you up from your hotel or a central location in San Jose and then sets off on a quicker journey than the coach bus. The shuttles are often equipped with air conditioning and Wi-Fi.

Horario del transporte compartido en furgoneta de San José a Santa Teresa:

The table below displays the Interbus shared shuttle timetable for trips from San Jose to Santa Teresa, detailing departure times, journey lengths, and fares.

07:00am01:00pm5h$75Book Now 3 E1661788865313

For an unforgettable nautical twist, combining the Shared Shuttle with a boat ride is the way to go! The journey starts similarly, with a shuttle from San Jose to Puntarenas.

Then, in Puntarenas, you board a ferry that sails across the mesmerizing Gulf of Nicoya.

The boat portion of this trip is less about transportation and more about the enchanting maritime experience; the cool breeze, turquoise waters, and perhaps the occasional soaring seabird form an unforgettable memory. 

Al llegar a Paquera, otra lanzadera te da la bienvenida para el tramo final a través de pintorescos pueblos y verdes paisajes hasta llegar a Santa Teresa.

Las opciones de Transporte Compartido se adaptan a una serie de preferencias, combinando facilidad, rapidez y una experiencia íntima con los diversos paisajes de Costa Rica, ¡lo que las convierte en una excelente elección para un viaje memorable a Santa Teresa!

San José a Santa Teresa Traslado compartido en furgoneta + horario del barco:

The table below displays the Zuma Tours shared shuttle + ferry timetable for trips from San Jose to Santa Teresa, detailing departure times, journey lengths, and fares.

07:00am11:00am4h$107Book Now 3 E1661788865313
De Montezuma A Santa Teresa

2. Private Transfer from San Jose to Santa Teresa

Duración del viaje: ~5 horas 30 minutos

Para los viajeros que buscan un viaje a medida y sin complicaciones de San José a Santa Teresa, un Traslado Privado se perfila como el epítome de la comodidad, el confort y la personalización.

Booking a Private Transfer means having a vehicle exclusively for yourself and your travel companions.

Companies such as Suntrails, Ride CR, and Relaxury specialize in this service, and you can select from a range of vehicles to suit your party size and luggage needs. 

With a knowledgeable and friendly driver, you can craft your itinerary, including departure times and stops along the route.

This flexibility allows you to explore hidden gems, relish local cuisines, or capture the picturesque landscape at your own pace without the constraints of a set schedule.

One of the highlights of choosing a Private Transfer is the scope for customization. Whether you fancy an air-conditioned SUV or a spacious minivan for a bigger party, the options cater to various preferences and budgets. 

You can also combine your private transfer with a boat ride by requesting your driver to take you to Puntarenas, where you can board a ferry across the Gulf of Nicoya before resuming your land journey to Santa Teresa.

Additionally, the security and comfort of a Private Transfer are unparalleled, especially for families with young children, large groups, or travelers with special needs.

The drivers, often locals with extensive knowledge about the region, can also double as informal guides, sharing insights and anecdotes that enrich your journey.

En esencia, un Traslado Privado transforma la ruta de San José a Santa Teresa en una aventura íntima y a medida, marcando la pauta para una escapada costarricense inolvidable.

Así que, ¡comprueba todas las opciones disponibles y elige la mejor oferta!

Precios de un traslado privado de San José a Santa Teresa

  • 1-4 pasajeros: 330 USD
  • 1-13 pasajeros: 380 USD
  • 5-12 pasajeros: 390 USD
  • 7-9 pasajeros: 405 USD

4. Flight from San Jose to Santa Teresa

Duración del viaje: 1 hora y 10 minutos

Para llegar a Santa Teresa desde San José por vía aérea, puedes reservar un vuelo desde el Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría a Tambor con Nature Air o Sansa Airlines.

El tiempo de vuelo de San José a Tambor es de 35 minutos. Desde Tambor, tienes que seguir en coche o en taxi, lo que lleva otros 35 minutos.

El vuelo nacional de SJO a Tambor cuesta unos 75 USD. Esta es la forma más rápida de llegar a Santa Teresa si vienes de San José.

CóMo Viajar De San José A Santa Teresa

5. Driving with a Rental Car from San Jose to Santa Teresa

Duración del viaje: ~5 horas 30 minutos

Embarking on a road trip from San Jose to Santa Teresa in a rental car is not just a mode of transport but an adventure that stitches you into the fabric of Costa Rica’s diverse landscape.

As you maneuver along Route 27, the window panes frame a tapestry of verdant rainforests, mist-kissed mountains, and meandering rivers.

When you reach Puntarenas, the ferry ride across the Gulf of Nicoya offers an interlude of maritime splendor; keep your eyes peeled for dolphins frolicking in the sapphire waters.

Upon reaching the shores of Paquera, the journey continues along Route 21.

This stretch of the road, embraced by lush foliage and the occasional glimpse of the sea, is where you will feel the anticipation build as Santa Teresa draws closer.

Renting a car also offers the liberty to make impromptu stops, whether at a quaint roadside café or a beach that beckons with its pristine sands.

As for the rental, the starting cost of 33 USD per day is a small price for the autonomy it offers.

However, it’s crucial to factor in the return trip to San Jose since there’s no drop-off option in Santa Teresa.

Before setting off, ensure that the vehicle is in good condition and that you know the local driving regulations.

Esta odisea autoconducida de San José a Santa Teresa imprime en tu alma la belleza indómita y la vida palpitante de Costa Rica, ofreciendo un preludio de la magia que te espera.

Las mejores excursiones de un día en Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

Get Your Guide helps you find the best tours wherever you are heading. It’s usually the first website I check when I plan a trip to a new place.

Here, you can find some of the best tours in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica.

Preguntas frecuentes

Protege tu viaje: Con toda nuestra experiencia en viajes, te recomendamos encarecidamente que salgas a la carretera con un seguro de viaje. SafetyWing ofrece un seguro médico de viaje para nómadas digitales flexible y fiable a sólo un tercio del precio de planes similares de la competencia.

¿Puedo alquilar un coche en San José y dejarlo en Santa Teresa?

As of the last update in 2023, there is no option to drop off a rental car in Santa Teresa. Travelers renting a car in San Jose must return it to San Jose or another major city with rental car facilities.

¿Es seguro ir en coche de San José a Santa Teresa?

Sí, en general es seguro ir en coche de San José a Santa Teresa. Sin embargo, es aconsejable iniciar el viaje temprano para evitar conducir de noche y tener cuidado con el impredecible estado de las carreteras, sobre todo en época de lluvias.

¿Hay algún aeropuerto cerca de Santa Teresa para viajar más rápido?

El aeropuerto más cercano a Santa Teresa es el de Tambor, situado en la península de Nicoya. Desde Tambor, hay unos 45 minutos en coche hasta Santa Teresa. Puedes tomar un vuelo nacional corto de San José a Tambor y luego contratar un taxi u organizar un servicio de transporte a Santa Teresa.

¿Cuál es la forma más barata de viajar de San José a Santa Teresa?

The cheapest way to travel from San Jose to Santa Teresa is by coach bus, with the most affordable tickets priced at only USD 25!

What is the fastest way to travel from San Jose to Santa Teresa?

The fastest way to travel to Santa Teresa from San Jose is by flight, which takes about 1 hour.

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